New Audio Stories!

HI Friends,

I have been working on new Bible-based stories and a new series ...a flock of birds telling Bible Stories.  My daughter and I went to a Creatives conference and it was so good!  Many of us have "babies" our talents that we need to nurture and help grow up. I actually was an art teacher years ago and I realized I needed to pick up the baby of "art" again and start illustrating my stories.  I have been mostly focused on music and songwriting and singing which I will continue.  In fact this past summer I was leading worship for the little ones at a Vacation Bible School and wrote some new songs about Elijah, Naaman the leper, and others.  So I will be recording those soon.  I also would love to hear from you all :)  blessings, and Merry Christmas!

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NEW Performing Arts 2022 classes

These group and individual classes will educate, train, and skill-build in the following topics: 

Auditioning for Musical Theater 

Musical Theater Acting and Performing Skill Building 

Vocal / Singing Training/Recording Techniques 

Songwriting (beginning and advanced levels) 

Writing Creative Scripts and Stories 

Music and Instrument lesson (Guitar, Ukulele, and Music Theory) 

Becoming the Worship Leader God Has Called You to Be 

Biblical Arts Academy(Music, Art, and Bible Truths) 

Patriotic Guitar