“Let the rain come down from Heaven above"


Isaiah 45:8New Living Translation (NLT)

“Open up, O heavens,
    and pour out your righteousness.
Let the earth open wide
    so salvation and righteousness can sprout up together.
    I, the Lord, created them.


God’s salvation reigns in the earth and our lives when we pray! Salvation and goodness are God’s creations! God wants us to pray for everyone to be saved. Every boy and girl, every nation, all our loved ones.  

Isaiah 45:8 is a prayer and cry for the Lord to open the heavenly kingdom for us here on earth.  God’s kingdom is a kingdom of righteousness and truth.  As we pray for His kingdom to come we are praying for Heaven’s rule on the earth and in us.  What is the purpose of this prayer?  It is so that salvation and righteousness will grow up together in our lives and bring about God’s peace in earth.  The Lord Himself created salvation and righteousness for us to freely partake of.  There is only one fountain of salvation and righteousness and that is salvation found in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  When we receive Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior we now have His Righteousness imparted to us for salvation by grace alone!  “Let the rain come of God’s Love. Let the rain come down from Heaven above!”  Rain is cleansing and refreshing.  Rain washes and makes new.  I love the rain.  Here in California we have had a drought and the ground is dry and hard.  But when the rain finally comes it is amazing how quickly the green clovers sprout up and the plants flourish. Rain and Reign go together here.  It is the Reign of God that brings Rains of refreshment and new life in Jesus. Let’s pray for God’s Kingdom to rule and reign in our lives and the lives of others.  Let’s pray for the refreshing rains of God’s love to reach the whole world! 

God’s goodness is amazing! When we pray, He pours out His blessings and answers to our prayers.  It is so important for us to pray for others for salvation as well. 

Make a list of all your family and friends who do not have Jesus in their hearts and who need salvation!

Make it a point to pray for them every day.  God loves to answer our prayers!


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NEW Performing Arts 2022 classes

These group and individual classes will educate, train, and skill-build in the following topics: 

Auditioning for Musical Theater 

Musical Theater Acting and Performing Skill Building 

Vocal / Singing Training/Recording Techniques 

Songwriting (beginning and advanced levels) 

Writing Creative Scripts and Stories 

Music and Instrument lesson (Guitar, Ukulele, and Music Theory) 

Becoming the Worship Leader God Has Called You to Be 

Biblical Arts Academy(Music, Art, and Bible Truths) 

Patriotic Guitar